By Christine Silvestrone AUG 15, 2019
The endometriosis diet is a good place to start, the endo diet helps eliminate inflammatory food from the diet. The endometriosis diet isn’t enough to heal your endo. I have spoken to so many women on the endometriosis diet and so many of them tell me they don’t feel much of a change. It is important to combine the endometriosis diet with supplements, gut health, mental health and exercise in order to heal the symptoms of endometriosis. You can learn more about this by setting up a consultation with me or visiting my service page.
What is the endometriosis diet?
The endometriosis diet eliminates inflammatory food or other food that may contribute or have a negative affect on endometriosis. Eliminating these foods can help reduce symptoms caused by endometriosis and may also help shrink endometriosis lesions.
Food that should be eliminated include:
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Red meat
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Trans fat
- Limit sugar
Food that should be added into the diet:
- Probiotic rich food (sauerkraut, pickles, coconut yogurt, kombucha)
- Plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Fiber rich food (flax seed, gluten-free oatmeal)
- Omega-3 (fish, oysters, flax seed, chia seeds)
This is a very good starting point if you just found out you have enodmetiosis or you are just now exploring a more natural route to healing your endo. In most cases the endometriosis diet alone cannot heal your symptoms but in a combination with a full wellness plan your symptoms can be fully healed.
What is the endometriosis elimination diet?
The endometriosis elimination diet is different from just doing the endometriosis diet. The endometriosis elimination diet involves removing food from your diet for 3-8 weeks. After 5-6 weeks the food is reintroduced into the diet one at a time. While reintroducing food you look for symptoms that show a reaction.
The endometriosis elimination diet can help identify food that is causing bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and other symptoms. When you identify the food that causes symptoms you can eliminate it from your diet.
An elimination diet should be done with supervision, specially if there is a suspected food allergy. in the case of a suspected food allergy it is best to consult a doctor.
Elimination and reintroduction
You should start the endometriosis elimination diet during a time when you aren’t having other lifestyle changes, medicine changes, or on vacation. If other changes are happening in your life if can be hard to tell of the changes in your body are due to the life changes or the changes in diet. When you decide it’s a good time to start the elimination diet eliminate everything that is a potential trigger (for endometriosis those triggers are above in the endometriosis diet).
When you get to the reintroduction phase after eliminating the food for 3 to 8 weeks start to reintroduce food groups one at a time. Pay attention to any symptoms you feel after reintroducing a food group, if it helps log what your eating, how much your ate, and how your body felt after you ate it.
Not everyone with endometriosis has triggers to all the foods that are in the eliminate list in the endometriosis diet. The elimination diet can help you determine what is really causing inflammation and what may be okay for you to continue to eat.
When you identify your trigger foods it is important to eliminate them from your diet to avoid causing inflammation and discomfort. Trigger food can contribute to endometriosis and its symptoms.